23.08.2014 г.

[News] Steven Drozd from "The Flaming Lips" about Miley: “She's a Fucking Badass”

Miley Cyrus has been writing and recording songs with The Flaming Lips for the follow-up to Bangerz. The oft-nude diva has admitted as much in past interviews but many fans and commentators never expected the joint-project to see the light of day. They could be in for a big surprise, according to the band’s composer/guitarist Steven Drozd.

“We’re going to try to make a record with her if we can work this out because we’ve gotten together with her a few times in a recording studio and she’s fucking badass,” he said in a recent interview. “She’s a total pro and sings like a bird. She’s very patient and did take after take and was totally laid back,” the Electric Würms mastermind raved. “I’m hoping that we can help her make a record that she wants to make for the next phase of her career.”

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